Book 8 features a whole load of more brilliant songs from some of the best songs by thebestsongwriters and performers, old and new. Artists represented include the classically brilliant The Beatles, Bob Marley, Elton John and The Clash through to contemporary hits from acts like Snow Patrol, The Killers,VampireWeekend and Duffy.
The 101 Songs For Easy Guitar series brings these amazing songs right to everyone's fingertips. If you're a beginner just getting to grips with the basics, you'llbeable to start playing these songs very quickly and easily, meaning you can be playing some of your favourite songs straight away. Not only this, but if you're a more experienced player, this Easy Guitar songbook will tellyouexactly how the bands played these songs so that you can add them to your repertoire, or create your own unique versions of each song by playing around the basic melody or chordprogression.
Withsome incredible old favourites like Ain't No Sunshine, Don't Stop Believin' and With Or Without You mixed in with some more contemporary classics such as ChasingCars, Sweet Disposition and MGMT'sTime To Pretend, there really is something for everyone, with all tastes and eras being covered more than amply.
If you are looking for some easyGuitar sheet music, then don't botherlooking anywhere else than the 101 Songs For Easy Guitar series, with Book 8 containing a further massive selection of brilliant tunes thatguitarists of all levels will be able to play
In Book 8 of the popular 101 Songs for easy guitar series, we have another barrel-load of superb songs in easy melody, chords and lyrics arrangement. With so many incredible tunes, you'll alwaysbefinding new things to play and will never again be stuck for a great song that everyone will enjoy.